We love Florida Keys family portrait sessions and working with the Curtis family was no different! They were a large group of 15 with 6 kids and were photographed in Marathon, FL.

Helpful Tip: Stagger Family Arrivals
The Curtis family staggered their arrival which is a great idea for large families with a lot of kids. One of the smaller family units arrived first and then the rest staggered in. The helps a lot with keeping kids out of the heat and keeping their attention during the session. Of course this is not necessary just another option for you and your family. Often times large families will also stagger their arrival by sending the family members that are ready early and the rest will trickle in as they finish getting ready. Just make sure the rest of the family members do not show up too late so we can make sure to get all of the large family combos :)

To inquire about a family session, please fill out our contact form. We would love to hear from you!